Step 1 of 180%What type of property you are refinancing?Single Family HomeCondominiumTownhomeMulti-Family HomeEstimate your credit score.Excellent 740+Good 700-739Average 660-699Fair 600-659Poor < 600What year did you purchase your home?2010-20202000-20091990-1999Before 1990Please estimate the value of the property.What is the remaining 1st mortgage balance?What is your 1st Mortgage Interest Rate?How will this property be used?Primary HomeSecondary HomeRental PropertyWhat kind of rate do you have?AdjustableFixedDo you have second mortgage?YesNoWould you like to borrow additional cash?What is your employment status?EmployedNot EmployedSelf EmployedMilitaryOtherBankruptcy, short sale, or foreclosure in the last 3 years?YesNoCan you show proof of income?YesNoWhat is your average monthly income?What are your average monthly expenses?Do you currently have an FHA loan?YesNoAny late mortgage payments in the last 12 months?None1 Late Payment2+ Late PaymentsFirst Name?*Last Name?*What is your email address?* What is your phone number?* This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.